
Red dead redemption 2 xbox one controller layout
Red dead redemption 2 xbox one controller layout

red dead redemption 2 xbox one controller layout

LB (horse) - hold to view weapons stored on mount.LB - Tap to draw/holster weapon hold to display wheel menu, tap to pick up weapons or objects, or select weapon with Right analog stick and release to equip weapon.B (horse) - Kick a target to either side stop leading horse.Y (horse) - Tap to mount or dismount while stationary, hold to hitch horse while on foot, tap to command to follow or lead horse.Y - Interact with environment, loot bodies, skin animals hold to rest (in melee combat) grapple opponent.X (horse) - Tap to jump, climb, or vault over obstacles hold to pick up collectibles or search furniture while hunting, hold to draw animal attention.X (in cover) - Move to next cover spot (with Left analog stick).

red dead redemption 2 xbox one controller layout

X (while aiming) - Tap to dive tap to block melee attacks.X - Tap to jump, climb, or vault over obstacles hold to pick up collectibles or search furniture while hunting, hold to draw animal attention.RS (weapon wheel) - Maintain weapon hold to look behind.X (horse) - Tap to jump (while riding) jump onto vehicle (while matched to vehicle speed) command horse to stay (while locked onto horse from distance) pat horse (while locked on and near horse).A (horse) - Tap to change speed hold to match speed to companion double tap to move up in formation.Left analog + A - Hold to run, tap repeatedly to sprint.You can find a list of Red Dead Redemption 2 controls for Xbox One below. The only difference is the buttons that are used to change the camera view, open the pause menu, and display the map are bound to the View and Select buttons. Red Dead Redemption 2’s control scheme is essentially the same as the one used on the PS4. However, our handy guide will cover all of Red Dead Redemption 2’s Xbox One controls, so be sure to read up on the basics before you set off. There aren’t that many button changes and those who have played the original Red Dead Redemption on Xbox 360 will feel right at home. There are a lot of different controls, mechanics, functions, and actions that players need to learn in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Red dead redemption 2 xbox one controller layout